1.1 Introduction
Follow this introductuctory tutorial before you attempt the Self-Test quiz in Section 1.2
1.2 Search Skills: Self-Test 1
This will test your ability to use Search Engines. You will find a link to Google at the top of the test page. This will open Google in a separate window (or in a new tab in Firefox or Chrome). You can then complete the test by switching between this window (or tab) and the new window (or tab) which opened for Google.
1.3 Further Search Skills
Sometimes the use of regular search methods need to be supplemented with a bit of lateral thinking. We may need to locate specialised web sites to help us find particular information. This tutorial provides some examples.
1.4 Search Skills: Self-Test 2
Here's your chance to test out your ability to handle more challenging search tasks. If you get stuck, roll over the Hint provided for each question. It may point your search in the right direction.
1.5 Reference Tools
Here is a comprehensive list of some of the most useful reference websites on the Internet. The list will open in a new window (or in a new tab in Firefox or Chrome). Spend some time browsing through the various sites. Their speed of access and simplicity of design make them ideal for educational use.
When you have finished browsing, and you are ready to move on to the final test, click on the 'Unit 1' tab at the top of the screen to reopen this page. When this page reopens, you can click on 'Search Skills: Self-Test 3' below. You can then switch back and forth between the Search Skills Test tab and the Reference Tools tab until you have all the questions answered. A link is also provided near the top of the quiz page, if you have difficulty accessing the list of Reference Sites.
1.6 Search Skills: Self-Test 3
Use the list of reference tools that has been provided to answer the questions on this test.
1.7 Assignment 1
Complete this brief assignment and click on the 'Submit' button when you are finished.