Useful Music Sites
Ableton Learning Music
Atlas of Plucked Instruments
Bash The Trash
BBC Teach - Music (Ages 5-7)
BBC Teach - Music (Ages 7-11)
Beastbox (Mix Wild Animal Voices with Beatbox)
Bring The Noise (at BBC Teach)
Children's Music Web
Classics for Kids
Composers Gallery (at NY Phil Kidzone)
Dallas Symphony Kids Site
Every Noise At Once (Music Genres)
Explore the Orchestra (at Classics for Kids)
Handy Melody (Tonic Solfa Learning System)
Little Kids Rock
Musical Dictionary (at Classics for Kids)
Music Map (Music Genres and their Origins)
Musical Explorers Around the World (Map)
Musical Instrument Museums Online
Notation Training
Odd Music (Unusual Instruments)
Rhythm Randomizer
Ricci Adams' Music Theory
Song Collections
AZ Lyrics
Bookbug Song & Rhyme Library (at Scottish Book Trust)
Bus Songs
The Children's Music Archive
Children's Songs (at NIH)
Chordie (Songs and Chords)
Environmental and Multicultural Songs
Folk Music of UK, Ireland and America
Mama Lisa's World of International Songs
Math Story (Maths Songs)
Mighty Book Sing-a-Long Songs
Rainn Agus Amhráin
Rannta, Dánta agus Amhráin do Pháistí Óga
Songs for Teaching
Songs in Irish
Top Marks Songs & Rhymes
Song Search Engines
Midomi (Search by singing or humming)
Music Activities and Games
Beethoven Beats (at Google Arts & Culture)
4 Four (Learning Platform for Musical Rhythm)
Mix with Google
Music Clock (Whole-class Game at Dabbledoo Music)
Paint With Music (at Google Arts & Culture)
Touch Pianist (Explore Masterpieces)
Game and Activity Collections
ABCYa Art and Music Games
Chrome Music Lab
Classics For Kids Music Games
Crazy Games Music Games Collection
Dabbledoo Music Activities
Music Teacher Quizzes, Games and Exercises
NY Philharmonic Kids Game Room
PBS Music Games
Music Makers
AI Duet (Play a Piano that responds to you)
Ambient Mixer (Find, Mix and Create Ambient Sounds)
Arpeggios (at Chrome Music Lab)
Assisted Melody (at Google Arts & Culture)
Audiotool (Advanced Music Mixing Tool)
Blob Opera (at Google Arts & Culture)
Carmen's World Orchestra (at PBS Kids)
Chords (at Chrome Music Lab)
Citizen DJ (Remix Copyright-free Music)
Compose Your Very Own Music (at Classics for Kids)
Creatability (at Experiments with Google)
The Dungeon (at Tabletop Audio)
Isle Of Tune (Build a Musical Landscape)
Make Some Chords (at Ableton Learning Music)
Mario Paint Music Composer
Melody Maker (at Chrome Music Lab)
Musical Bottles (at Storm Educational)
Music Maker (at PBS Kids)
Music Making Tools (at Toy Theater)
Online Sequencer
Riffusion (Create music from text)
Scribble Audio
A Soft Murmur (Ambience Tool)
Song Maker (at Chrome Music Labs)
Sound Infusion (World Music Tool)
Strofe (Create and Mix Mood Music)
Suno AI Song Creator (Free, but signup reqd.)
Typatone (Click on blue area and type)
Wolfram Tones
Virtual Instruments
Theremix (Virtual Theremin)
Virtual Bongos
Virtual Drumming
Virtual Drums
Virtual Electric Piano (at Music
Virtual Instruments For Kids
Virtual Online Piano
Virtual Piano
Virtual Piano (at Online Pianist)
Virtual Theremin 
NSynth - Hybrid Instruments (at Google Experiments)
Tony-B (Retro Synthesizer)
Viktor NV-1 (Synthesizer)
Web Synths
Drum Machines
Cyber Pattern Player (at PBS Kids)
Groove Pizza (Drum Sequencer)
Make Beats (at Ableton Learning Music)
Rhythm (at Chrome Musioc Lab)
Collaborative Music Makers
Multi-Player Piano
Shared Piano - Collaborative Tool (at Chrome Music Labs)
Scoilnet Resources Finder
Online Music Collections
Bensound (Royalty Free Music)
Classic Cat
Classics for Kids
(Listen only, no download)
Comhaltas Irish Music Archive
Dano Songs
Dig CC Mixter (Free Music for Projects)
Free Kids Music
Free Moby Music for Film Makers
Free Music Archive
The Global Jukebox
iBeat (Free Beats, Loops and Breaks)
Library of Congress Songs of America
Looper Man (Free Loops and Samples) (Free, but Registration Required)
Midomi (Search by singing or humming)
MixKit (Free Reusable Video)
Musopen (Free Classical Music) (Free, but Registration Required)
National Jukebox (at US Library Of Congress)
Open Archive Music
Partners in Rhyme (Free Music Loops)
Pixabay Free Music Collection
Radiooooo (World Music Time Machine)
Sample Swap (Free, but Registration Required)
78 RPM Archive (at
Tin Whistle Tunes
Traditional Music LIbrary
Turlough O'Carolan Tunes
TV Theme Tunes
Youtube Library of Free Music
Music Lessons
Justin Guitar (1000 Free Guitar Lessons)
Sound Recorders
Audiopal (Voice Recorder)
Clyp It (Voice Recorder)
Online Voice Recorder
Reverb Record (Record your voice and share it)
Sneak Pipe (Voice Recorder)
Twisted Wave (Sound Recording and Editing)
Vocaroo (Voice Recorder)
Sound File Editors
Cut MP3 (MP3 cutter)
Online Audio Cutter (
Online Audio Joiner (Stitches sound flies together)
Pitch Shifter (Change pitch of music file)
Time Stretcher (Change tempo of music file)
Twisted Wave (Sound Recording and Editing)
Music Utilities
Acoustic Guitar Tuner (at
Autochords (Chord Progressions)
Google Metronome (Just search 'metronome')
Guitar Tuner
Metronome Online 
Online Guitar Tuner (using your microphone)
Online Metronome (at iMusic School)
Virtual Guitar Tuner
Also available for iPad
Also available for Android Tablets
Updated: 4 March 2024