Modern Olympics
Olympic Rings
Olympic Flame
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How the Modern Games began

Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin was very interested in the history of the Olympic Games. Pierre de Coubertin believed that this global sporting event could be used to get global peace. He believed that bringing all the athletes together once every four years for this event would help promote peace among the different nations in the world. In 1894, Pierre de Coubertin 12 countries to attend a meeting on the re-establishment of the Olympic Games. At that meeting, they formed the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and chose the official motto of the modern Olympics Games which is still used today…”Faster-Higher-Stronger”. They decided to hold the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece in 1896 to honor the origin of the ancient Olympic Games.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin

The Olympic Rings

The flag made its first appearance in the 1920 Olympic Games. The Olympic flag contains at least one color from every nation’s flag. Pierre de Coubertin said of the flag in 1920…”the six colours thus combined represent those of all nations, with no exceptions. This is a real international emblem.”

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The Olympic Flame

Another symbol of the Olympic Games is the Olympic Torch that starts in Greece and is carried by hundreds of runners to the destination of the current Olympic Games. The first torch relay appeared in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. The torch is carried to the host city and the last runner runs into the opening ceremonies and lights the Olympic Flame that burns throughout the duration of the games.

Olympic Flame
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Olympic Timeline
To learn more about the Olympic host nations click here
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To visit the Official Olympic Website click on the image of the Olympic logo.

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